Hockaday Museum of Art

Kalispell, MT




Robotic Portraiture by Deena des Rioux

March 3 through May 27, 2000


New York Artist Deena des Rioux brings a painter's ethic to the digital image with these 20 digital prints as inkjet output onto polyester film. In Robotic Portraiture by Deena des Rioux, a mix of photo-based items from Pop and circuitry plays to the random effect of genetic reprogramming: a virtual hybrid for the new millennium as output from a 90s workstation.

Abroad, Robotic Portraiture by Deena des Rioux traveled with Grafik/Triennale '97-'98 to Krakow and Warsaw, Poland. At home, des Rioux's solo triptych joins the University of Pennsylvania to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the first computer. Her collections include the New York Public Library, Austin Museum of Art, National Center of Fine Arts, Cairo Museum of Art, and Rhode Island School of Design.

Robotic Portraiture by Deena des Rioux is touring the United States under the auspices of Exhibit Touring Services (ETS), a program in the College of Letters, Arts and Science at Eastern Washington University.

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rev. 12/23/10

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