Nudes in American Art


(above: Childe Hassam, Nude Seated, 1912, oil on canvas, 24 x 22 inches, National Gallery of Art, Chester Dale Collection, 1963.10.156. Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons*)


In our opinion, there's little more beautiful than the female human body.


Hence, this section of the Traditional Fine Arts Organization (TFAO) catalogue Topics in American Art is devoted to the topic "Nudes in American Art." Articles and essays specific to this topic published in TFAO's Resource Library are listed at the beginning of the section. Clicking on titles takes readers directly to these articles and essays. The date at the end of each title is the Resource Library publication date.

Next are links to valuable online resources found outside our website. Links may be to museums' articles about exhibits, plus more topical information based on our online searches.

Following online resources is information about offline resources including museums, DVDs, and paper-printed books, journals and articles.


Resource Library articles and essays honoring the American experience through its art:

The Dispassionate Body: Philip Pearlstein, Paintings and Drawings of Figures in Still Life; with essay titled "The Model as Painter and Painted" by Desirée Alvarez (10/2/06)

Viola Frey: A Lasting Legacy; essay by Kenneth R. Trapp (7/28/05)

Edward Weston: Life Work (10/1/04)

Thomas Eakins' "The Swimming Hole"; essay by Doreen Bolger and Claire M. Barry (4/1/04)

Conversion to Modernism: The Early Work of Man Ray ; essays by Francis M. Naumann and Gail Stavitsky (9/2/03)


The Great American Nude (6/5/02)

Whistler's Nudes at the Freer Gallery of Art (2/13/02)

The Model Wife (11/24/00)

The Nude 2000 (1/15/00)

The Nude in Contemporary Art (7/14/99)


From other websites:

The Nude In American Art from askArt. Accessed August, 2015.


(above: Lucia Fairchild Fuller, Girl drying her feet, c. 1903, watercolor on ivory, 5 3/4 x 4 1/4 inches, Mutual Art (sale 10/20/17). Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons*)


Robert O. Mellown: "The Great American Nude Book Review" American Art Review March-April 1975 (Volume II, Number 2)


(above: John La Farge, The Golden Age, 1878, oil on canvas, 34.6 x 16.5 inches, Smithsonian American Art Museum. Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons*)


(above: Kenyon Cox, Approach of Love, c. 1890-1893, oil on canvas, 18.1 x 30.2 inches, Cincinnati Art Museum. Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons*)


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*Tag for expired US copyright of object image:

Links to sources of information outside of our web site are provided only as referrals for your further consideration. Please use due diligence in judging the quality of information contained in these and all other web sites. Information from linked sources may be inaccurate or out of date. TFAO neither recommends or endorses these referenced organizations. Although TFAO includes links to other web sites, it takes no responsibility for the content or information contained on those other sites, nor exerts any editorial or other control over them. For more information on evaluating web pages see TFAO's General Resources section in Online Resources for Collectors and Students of Art History.


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