Title: Plein Air Painters of California, The North

Author(s): Ruth Westphal

"Completing the work begun by 'Plein Air Painters of California: The Southland,''which focused on the 'plein air,' or outdoor, painters working in Southern California from the 1890s through the 1930s, this volume presents their contemporaries working to the north. Actually, most of these painters, whose styles reflect a range from Romantic Realist and California Decorative to Impressionist and Post-Impressionist, traveled and painted throughout the length and breadth of California and elsewhere." "...this book is concerned with those who had homes and studios from Santa Barbara north." (Excerpt taken from the book's inside dust cover.)


11-1/2" h x 10" w

ISBN: 0-9610520-1-5

Number of Pages: 220

Number of Photos: 200

Number of Color Photos: 142

Companion volume to the author's earlier "The Southland" edition providing biographical information and illustrations on 27 selected important Early California artists. Focuses on artists who had residences or studios from Santa Barbara north between the 1890s and 1930s. Brief biographies of 27 artists are accompanied by representative illustrations. Essays on the movement toward Impressionism in Northern California, the Society of Six, and the beginning of the California art collection at the Oakland Museum.

Book available from the publisher, Westphal Publishing, by calling 949-660-0727

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