2014 National Calendar of Exhibitions

American Representational Art Exhibitions Hosted by Art Museums and Other Non-Profit Organizations





Booth Western Art Museum
Windows of the Soul: A Portrait of America by Susan K. Friedland *
January 7 through April 6
Boston University Art Galleries
Making Connections: The Art and Life of Herbert Gentry *
January 31 through March 30
Brandywine River Museum
A Date with Art: The Business of Illustrated Calendars *
January 25 through May 18
Dixon Gallery and Gardens
Augusta Savage's Gamin *
January 19 through March 23
El Paso Museum of Art
Gaspar Enriquez: Metaphors of El Barrio *
January 26 through May 11
Figge Art Museum
Kids Design Glass *
January 18 through May 4
Gibbes Museum of Art
Romantic Spirits: Nineteenth Century Paintings of the South from the Johnson Collection *
January 17 through March 23
Greenville County Museum of Art
Interiors: Karen Ann Myers *
January 15 through March 23
Haggerty Museum of Art
Aesthetic Afterlife *
January 22 through May 18
Hyde Collection Art Museum
Winter Light: Selections from the Collection of Thomas Clark *
January 25 through May 11
Indianapolis Museum of Art
For America: Prints of the American Art-Union *
January 31 through September 28
Milwaukee Art Museum
Uncommon Folk: Traditions in American Art *
January 31 through May 4
Montgomery Museum of Fine Arts
Nature Distilled *
January 4 through March 9
Noyes Museum of Art
Eric Schultz: Man and the Machine *
January 17 through May 11
Pasadena Museum of California Art
Serigrafía *
January 19 through April 20
Portland Museum of Art - Maine
Fine Lines: American Drawings from the Brooklyn Museum *
January 30 through April 27
Rockwell Museum of Western Art
Painted Journeys: In the Spirit of the American West *
January 24 through May 4
Society of the Four Arts
The Coast and the Sea: Marine and Maritime Art in America *
January 25 through March 9
Southern Alleghenies Museum of Art
Dan Helsel: Creating Joy *
January 17 through April 26
Virginia Museum of Fine Arts
Ryan McGinness: Studio Visit *
January 25 through May 4
Walsh (Thomas J.) Art Gallery at Fairfield University
Reflections and Undercurrents: Ernest Roth and Printmaking in Venice 1900-1940 *
January 23 through April 4




Amon Carter Museum
Art and Appetite: American Painting, Culture, and Cuisine *
February 22 through May 18
Crocker Art Museum
Jules Tavernier: Artist and Adventurer *
February 16 through May 11
Dayton Art Institute
Isabella Kirkland: Stilled Life *
February 22 through May 18
Delaware Art Museum
"Blessed are the Peacemakers": Violet Oakley's The Angel of Victory (1941) *
February 8 through May 25
Florence Griswold Museum
The Artist's Easel *
February 7 through March 16
Harwood Museum of the University of New Mexico
Ken Price: Slow and Steady Wins the Race, Works on Paper 1962-2010 *
February 22 through May 4
High Museum of Art
Abelardo Morell: The Universe Next Door *
February 23 through May 18
Huntsville Museum of Art
Adrián Villeta: Romantic Portraitist *
February 2 through May 4
Loyola University Museum of Art
Elegant Enigmas: the Art of Edward Gorey and G is for Gorey & C is for Chicago: The Collection of Thomas Michalak *
February 15 through June 15
Montgomery Museum of Fine Arts
Portraits of Paul R. Jones *
February 8 through April 13
National Academy Museum
Edwin Blashfield and the American Renaissance *
February 27 through May 18
National Cowboy & Western Heritage Museum
Walter Ufer; Rise, Fall, Resurrection *
February 7 through May 11
Nevada Museum of Art
Phyllis Shafer: I only went out for a walk *
February 8 through May 11
Paine Art Center and Gardens
Ruth Grotenrath and Schomer Lichtner: A Vibrant Life in Love and Art *
February 7 through June 1
San Antonio Museum of Art
Thomas Sully: Painted Performance *
February 8 through May 11
TJC Gallery
Beyond the Harlem Renaissance *
February 20 through April 11
Tucson Museum of Art
Trails to Rails: John Mix Stanley and the Pacific Railroad Survey of the 1850s *
February 1 through September 28
Washington County Museum of Fine Arts
For Us the Living - The Civil War of Mort Kunstler *
February 15 through June 15
Westmont Museum of Art
Walking in the Spirit: American Visionary Artists *
February 20 through March 29


Autry National Center - Museum of the American West
Floral Journey: Native North American Beadwork *
March 15 through April 26, 2015
Bellevue Art Museum
Fragile Fortress: The Art of Dan Webb *
March 7 through June 15
Biggs Museum of American Art
"Wrought with Careful Hand": Ties of Kinship on Delaware Samplers *
March 7 through April 20
Bruce Museum
Pasture to Pond: Connecticut Impressionism *
March 22 through June 21
Florence Griswold Museum
Lucien Abrams: A Cosmopolitan in Connecticut *
March 21 through June 1
Huntington Museum of Art
The Daywood Collection *
March 15 through November 2
Michener (James A.) Art Museum
Paul Evans: Crossing Boundaries & Crafting Modernism *
March 1 through June 1
Montgomery Museum of Fine Arts
Our Town: Montgomery People and Places *
March 15 through May 11
Norton Museum of Art
Industrial Sublime: Modernism and the Transformation of New York's Rivers, 1900-1940 *
March 20 through June 22
Palm Springs Art Museum
California Dreamin': Thirty Years of Collecting *
March 8 through June 15
R. W. Norton Art Gallery
American Still Lifes *
March 4 through May 25
San Antonio Museum of Art
Bob Kuhn: Drawing on Instinct *
March 15 through June 8
Woodmere Art Museum
Jessie Drew-Bear: Stories and Dreams *
March 22 through July 13





Baker Museum
The Coast and the Sea: Marine and Maritime Art in America *
April 19 through July 6
Bowers Museum
The Lure of Chinatown: Painting California's Chinese Communities *
April 12 through August 31
Cantor Arts Center / Stanford University
Carleton Watkins: The Stanford Albums *
April 23 through August 17
Montgomery Museum of Fine Arts
Portraiture from the Paul R. Jones Collection of American Art at The University of Alabama *
April 19 through June 15
Panhandle-Plains Historical Museum
Madonnas of the Prairie: Women of the West *
April 12 through August 30





Booth Western Art Museum
The Art of Bernard Williams *
May 15 through October 5
Canton Museum of Art
Waylande Gregory: Art Deco Ceramics and the Atomic Impulse *
May 1 through July 27
Cheekwood Museum of Art
David Rogers' Big Bugs *
May 23 through August 31
Columbia Museum of Art
Cheer for the Home Team: Animal Mascots from the CMA Collection *
May 16 through September 14
Columbus Museum
William Beckman: Drawings, 1967-2013 *
May 18 through September 7
Denver Art Museum
The American West in Bronze, 1850-1925 *
May 11 through August 31
Harwood Museum of the University of New Mexico
John Connell: Cheap Secrets of the East *
May 17 throuigh September 7
Hockaday Museum of Art
A Journey through History: Art and Artifacts from the Collection of Dr. Van Kirke & Helen Nelson *
May 29 through July 26
Montgomery Museum of Fine Arts
Kerr Eby: Camofleur, Combat Artist, and Pacifist *
May 17 through July 13
New Orleans Museum of Art
Rising Up: Hale Woodruff's Murals at Talladega College *
May 16 through September 14
Pasadena Museum of California Art
June Wayne: Paintings, Prints and Tapestries *
May 4 through August 31
Portland Museum of Art - Maine
Richard Estes' Realism *
May 22 through September 7
Utah Museum of Fine Arts at University of Utah
Creation and Erasure: Art of the Bingham Canyon Mine *
May 30 through September 28



American Museum of Ceramic Art
Large as Life: Betty Davenport Ford, Elaine Katzer, Lisa Reinertson *
June 14 through August 31
Arkell Museum at Canajoharie
George Inness: The Arkell Collection *
June 6 through November 15
Art Institute of Chicago
Ethel Stein, Master Weaver *
June 13 through November 9

Doug Adams Gallery at the Badè Museum
Mining the Collection: Evidence of Life *
June 10 through August 29
Florence Griswold Museum
Art of the Everyman: American Folk Art from the Fenimore Art Museum *
June 6 through September 21
Frye Art Museum
The Unicorn Incorporated: Curtis R. Barnes *
June 14 through September 21
Laguna Art Museum
Rex Brandt: In Praise of Sunshine *
June 29 through September 21
Lyman Allyn Art Museum
Inside the Natural World of Jan Beekman *
June 14 through January 5
Monterey Museum of Art
Jules Tavernier: Artist and Adventurer *
June 6 through October 20
Museum of Biblical Art
Back to Eden: Contemporary Artists Wander the Garden *
June 27 through September 28
Tweed Museum of Art
Sister Mary Charles McGough: Engagement and Transcendence *
June 3 through September 21





Bellevue Art Museum
The Art of Gaman: Arts and Crafts from the Japanese American Internment Camps, 1942 - 1946 *
July 3 through October 12
Bruce Museum
Being, Nothingness and Much, Much More: Roz Chast, Beyond The New Yorker *
July 12 through October 19
Colby College Museum of Art
Bernard Langlais *
July 19 through January 4
Frances Lehman Loeb Art Center
Faces and Figures in Self-Taught Art *
July 11 through August 31
Georgia Museum of Art
The Prints of Mary Wallace Kirk *
July 19 through October 12
Museum of Art, Fort Lauderdale
The Miami Generation: Revisited *
July 13 through September 21
New-York Historical Society
Madeline in New York: The Art of Ludwig Bemelmans *
July 4 through October 13
Oceanside Museum of Art
Spitting In the Wind: Art From the End of the Line by Richard Allen Morris, John Baldessari, Bob Matheny and Russell Baldwin *
July 5 through November 2
Telfair Museum of Art
Romantic Spirits: Nineteenth-Century Paintings from the Johnson Collection *
July 25 through February 15








Hood Museum of Art
Witness: Art and Civil Rights in the Sixties *
August 30 through December 21
Tucson Museum of Art
The WPA Connection: Selections from the Modern Art Collection *
August 9 through July 5





American Museum of Ceramic Art
Heaven: Rebekah Bogard *
September 13 through November 16
Baker Museum
Someday is Now: The Art of Corita Kent *
September 27 through January 4
Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art
State of the Art: Discovering American Art Now *
September 13 through January 5
Crocker Art Museum
Our America: The Latino Presence in American Art *
September 21 through January 11
El Paso Museum of Art
Renoir to Remington: Impressionism to the American West *
September 21 through February 1
Harwood Museum of the University of New Mexico
¡Orale! The Kings and Queens of Cool *
September 20 through January 25
High Museum of Art
American Encounters: Anglo-American Portraiture in an Era of Revolution *
September 28 through January 18
Intuit: The Center for Intuitive and Outsider Art
Collective Soul *
September 19 through December 27
Morris Museum of Art
Sculpture by Nathan Bindler *
September 16 through December 7
Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art
The Plains Indians: Artists of Earth and Sky *
September 19 through January 11
New Britain Museum of American Art
Nelson Augustus Moore: Connecticut Water, Hills, and Sky *
September 20 through January 11
Panhandle-Plains Historical Museum
Anna Keener: Southwest Regionalist *
September 13 through February 15
Palm Springs Art Museum
A Grand Adventure: American Art of the West *
September 27 through January 4
Portland Museum of Art - Maine
Aaron T Stephan: To Borrow, Cut, Copy, and Steal *
September 6 through February 8
Rockwell Museum of Western Art
A Feeling of Humanity: Western Art from the Ken Ratner Collection *
September 26 theough January 4
Springfield Museums
Hispanic Heritage: Edgardo Abello *
September 9 through January 4
University of Kentucky Art Museum
Take My Word For It *
September 7 through December 23



Delaware Art Museum
From Houdini to Hugo: The Art of Brian Selznick *
October 18 through January 11
Florence Griswold Museum
Life Stories in Art: Mary Rogers Williams *
October 3 through January 25
Hudson River Museum
Strut: The Peacock and Beauty in Art *
October 11 through January 18
Monterey Museum of Art
Monterey Now: Warren Chang *
October 23 through April 6
Morris Museum of Art
From New York to Nebo: The Artistic Journey of Eugene Thomason *
October 11 through January 3
Saint Mary's College Museum of Art
Grace Hudson: Painter of the Pomo People *
October 12 through December 7
Springville Museum of Art
Portraits of Childhood: Artwork from the Permanent Collection of the LDS Church *
October 8 through April 30


Amon Carter Museum
Modern Masters of the Woodcut *
November 8 through January 18
Baker Museum
Exploring America: Western, Wildlife and Contemporary Art from the National Museum of Wildlife Art and the Stonehollow Collection *
November 8 through February 1
Boca Raton Museum of Art
Theresa Bernstein: A Century of Art *
November 9 through January 11
Brandywine River Museum
Enchanted Castles and Noble Knights *
November 28 through January 4
Flint Institute of Arts
Labyrinth: The Circuitous Life of a Miniaturist *
November 1 through Jnauary 4
Huntington Museum of Art
INNER AND OUTER VISION: The Paintings of Stephanie A. Skolik, M.D. *
November 1 through January 25
Indiana State Museum
William Forsyth: Only the Strong Persist *
November 8 through March 29
Michener (James A.) Art Museum
Starstruck: The Fine Art of Astrophotography *
November 1 through February 8
Mint Museum
Connecting the World: The Panama Canal at 100 *
November 1 through February 1
Morris Museum of Art
An Artist's Story: Civil War Drawings by Edwin Forbes *
November 8 through February 15
Museum of Northern Arizona
Dialogue with Beauty - Scotty Mitchell Landscapes *
November 15 through February 15
Oceanside Museum of Art
NAKED: 20th Century Nudes from the Dijkstra Collection *
November 22 through March 8
Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts
Peter Blume: Nature and Metamorphosis *
November 14 through April 5
Washington County Museum of Fine Arts
The Mirror of Nature: The Art of Philip Koch *
November 8 through February 22


American Folk Art Museum
A Shared Legacy: Folk Art in America *
December 16 through March 8
Canton Museum of Art
The Legacy of Ferdinand Brader *
December 4 through March 15
Columbus Museum - Georgia
American Paintings from the Collection of Wesleyan College *
December 7 through January 25

Return to annual Calendars of Exhibitions


What is included

These calendars reference exhibitions devoted primarily to American representational art. Not all exhibitions submitted to TFAO are included in calendars.

Excluded content includes:

Resource Library selectively publishes publicity articles concerning retrospective exhibitions of artist organizations' individual members at museums or art centers. Artist organizations include cooperatives, clubs and other membership societies.

Revisions of dates are accepted and encouraged in order for calendars to be as accurate as possible. The deadline for inclusion in a current monthly calendar is the first day of that month.

To make the most of your visit to an exhibition

If you are touring, you will find American art venues to visit Indexed by State within the United States. Call the museum in advance to see if you can:

Exhibition dates may and do change without prior notice from museums to TFAO. Always verify dates directly with museums before visiting their exhibitions.

Museums often have closed days. Mondays are common in the USA but sometimes there are other closed days or multiple closed days. It's a good idea to arrive early or late in the day when there are less crowds. Many museums have tours for school children in the morning, causing increased traffic. Some museums have evening hours and many offer free days throughout the year.

When arriving you can get an idea of what the museum considers it's most cherished works by scanning the postcards in the museum gift shop. Or take a look through books that describe the museum's collection. Larger museums have kiosks, brochures, and even computer rooms for viewing the collection on a screen.

To enrich your visit you may enjoy reading TFAO's Museums Explained. Also, to learn how museums put together exhibitions and tour them, please see TFAO's Planning, Organizing and Touring Art Exhibitions.


How TFAO updates calendars

Future calendars are updated in two ways:


On a bimonthly basis, TFAO volunteers review the Calendar Update Schedule (see A-C D-G H-L M-Q R-S T-Z) to locate museums for which their furthest exhibition closing month has expired. TFAO then reviews the current and future exhibition sections of websites of targeted museums for new information. TFAO then updates the Schedule's listings for the targeted museums with new information by listing on the schedule the earlier of: 1. the furthest exhibition closing month in time or 2. a month which TFAO deems important for follow up. As a part of this review TFAO also updates the related exhibition calendar to include information on newly discovered exhibitions.


Future calendars and Calendar Update Schedules are checked and updated on a continuous basis as information is received by email from museum sources.


How TFAO uses calendars

Towards the end of each month TFAO volunteers review the calendar for all of the listed exhibition openings for that month. TFAO then reviews published exhibition articles and essays in the sub-index page for each related museum to determine if Resource Library has already published an article or essay concerning each calendar listing. If Resource Library has not yet published an article or essay, TFAO sends by email a request for exhibition information to the museum. TFAO sends requests near the end of the exhibition opening month to allow museums time to gather .jpg images and texts from gallery guides, brochures or catalogues, exhibition wall panels and labels, as well as press releases. TFAO requires six hundred or more words of text to publish a Resource Library article or essay for an exhibition.

Links to sources of information outside of our web site are provided only as referrals for your further consideration. Please use due diligence in judging the quality of information contained in these and all other web sites. Information from linked sources may be inaccurate or out of date. Traditional Fine Arts Organization, Inc. (TFAO) neither recommends or endorses these referenced organizations. Although TFAO includes links to other web sites, it takes no responsibility for the content or information contained on those other sites, nor exerts any editorial or other control over them. For more information on evaluating web pages see TFAO's General Resources section in Online Resources for Collectors and Students of Art History. Individual pages in this catalogue will be amended as TFAO adds content, corrects errors and reorganizes sections for improved readability. Refreshing or reloading pages enables readers to view the latest updates.

Search Resource Library for thousands of articles and essays on American art.

Copyright 2014 Traditional Fine Arts Organization, Inc., an Arizona nonprofit corporation. All rights reserved.