Leigh Yawkey Woodson Art Museum

Wausau, WI

(715) 845-7010


Birds in Art 1998


As cool autumn weather descends on Wisconsin, Birds in Art settles into place for the 23rd consecutive year at the Leigh Yawkey Woodson Art Museum, Wausau, Wisconsin.

From September 12 through November 1, the interests of art enthusiasts, birders, and nature lovers blend seamlessly in an exhibition that climbs to new heights each year with an all-new roster of artworks. The 1998 edition of Birds in Art features 106 paintings, sculptures. and works on paper by 98 artists who hail from the four corners of the earth. Nine works by Calilornia watercolorist Thomas Quinn will be highlighted in honor of Quinn being named the 1998 Master Wildlife Artist.

In Birds in Art, viewers discover a colorful tapestry of artistic interpretations and styles by artists who bring a global perspective to our universal passion for birds. Birds of prey, songbirds, shorebirds, upland gamebirds - all have a place in this tapestry. So do humor and whimsy, and the harsh realities and sheer beauty of nature.

Let your imagination soar with a visit to Birds in Art 1998. A full schedule of entertaining and informative education programs held in conjunction with the exhibition will appeal to all ages. To receive a calendar of events or for more information, contact the Woodson Art Museum at Phone: 715-845-7010/FAX: 715-845-7103/e-mail: museum@lywam.com.

The Museum is open Tuesdays during Birds in Art from 9 a.m. - 8 pm ; Wednesdays - Fridays, 9 a.m. - 4 pm; Saturday and Sunday, Noon - 5 p.m. On the opening day, September 13, the Museum will open at 9:00 a.m. for a "Meet and Mingle with the Artists" that lasts until noon.

Concerning Tom Quinn, museum director Kathy Foley stated: "Tom joins an illustrious group of artists who represent the best of contemporary bird painting. His work is characterized by gentle washes and a painterly abstraction that complement his sensitive handling of avian and animal subjects. Tom has most certainly earned the distinction of Master Wildlife Artist.

Upper Left: Steven Taipale, Still Living; Upper Right: George Lockwood, A Fowl Vice

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rev. 11/26/10

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