Financial Assistance Regarding Video and Audio Content
(this program suspended in 2008)
(above: Guy Rose (1867-1925), Monterey Cypress, circa 1918, oil on canvas, 21 1/8 x 24 inches, Crocker Art Museum. Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons*)
TFAO seeks to assist American art museums in producing and/or publishing online audio, illustrated audio and video content. TFAO may financially assist museums in online content production (an example: videography and editing) and streaming. Assistance is also available for encoding and streaming of existing analog content, such as VHS videotapes or audiotapes, and distributing podcast and cell phone tours.
TFAO encourages copyright holders of media in DVD/VHS format to place their existing content online. Commercial enterprises such as the Discovery Channel are cutting up TV show segments, deemed without likelihood of significant future revenue in present form, and placing the segments online with advertisements attached. In lieu of advertising, museums could place sponsor, membership of planned giving messages before or after content segments. Please see a January 25, 2009 related article in the New York Times titled "Slicing Decades of Video for New Life on the Web" by Brian Stelter.
Assistance will be provided upon these conditions:
Areas of special interest
Areas of special interest are the recording and online streaming of:
Other types of programming are also acceptable.[1]
For examples of interview and lecture streaming via audio click here, by illustrated audio here [2] and by video here.
Examples of grants
In 2008 the Hazeltine Family Education Fund of the Orange County Community Foundation granted to Oceanside Museum of Art funds for distributing podcast and cell phone tours in connection with the exhibit Masterpieces of San Diego Painting: Fifty Works from Fifty Years, 1900-1950 held March 2 through June 29, 2008. The Hazeltines are sponsors of TFAO.
Additional funding
TFAO has co-funding relationships with other sources of funds. There are further sources of funds with similar interests with which TFAO has no direct ties. These sources include: Getty Foundation which provides Museum Interpretation Grants; Henry Luce Foundation; National Endowment for the Arts and its 56 state affiliates, and Wallace Foundation Arts Programs.
1. While TFAO provides financial assistance to museums for online educational programming regarding art shown in exhibitions and interviews with artists, we do not however provide grants to artists to support their creative work shown in those exhibitions. TFAO may fund speaker fees or honorariums, but does not fund general revisions of web sites, digital photography of collections, digitization of related photographs from archival film media and infrastructure improvements such as the organization of digital image collections.
2. Only lecture examples are currently available.
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*Tag for expired US copyright of object image:
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