Arizona Art History

with an emphasis on representational art



This section of Topics in American Art is devoted to Arizona Art History. Articles and essays specific to this topic published in our Resource Library are listed at the beginning of the section. Clicking on titles takes readers directly to the articles and essays.

Following the links to Resource Library articles and essays are a listing of museums in the state which have provided materials to Resource Library for this or any other topic.

Listed after Resource Library articles, essays and museums are links to online resources outside our website. Following these resources is information about offline resources.

We recommend that researchers always search within Resource Library for additional material. Please see our page How to research topics not listed for more information.


(above: Thomas Moran, Grand Canyon with Rainbow. 1912. Oil on canvas. de Young Art Museum. Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Gill through the Patrons of Art and Music. 1981.89. License: Scuttlebutte, CC BY-SA 4.0 Scuttlebutte, CC BY-SA 4.0. via Wikimedia Commons*)


Texts contained in Resource Library honoring the American experience through its art by named authors, listed by author name in alphabetical order:

"Important" Artists by Roger Dunbier

Arizona Women Artists Active Before 1945: Painters, Sculptors, Potters, Printmakers, Illustrators, Quilters by Lonnie Pierson Dunbier

"Creating an Iconography for a New State: The Arizona State Capitol Murals," from The Cowboy's Dream: The Mythic Life and Art of Lon Megargee by Betsy Fahlman

Colorful Doors: Tucson's North Meyer Avenue by John Hazeltine

A Century of Arizona Women Artists by Carolyn C. Robbins

Pioneer Women: Arizona History Through Art by Robert Stragnell & Jim Willoughby


Resource Library articles honoring the American experience through its art:

A Backward Glance at Arizona Highways Illustrators

Arizona Highways: Celebrating the Legacy -- Our Land, Our People

Arizona History Through Art: The Last 100 Years

Arizona's Pioneering Women Artists

Beneath A Turquoise Sky: Navajo Painters and Their World

In Celebration: A Century of Arizona Women Artists


The Frontiersmen: Arizona History Through Art

Grand Canyon Grandeur: Early Paintings and Prints from the Hays Collection

Hopi Katsina Dolls

Katsina in Hopi Life

Many Colored Weaves

Navajo Weavings from the Getzwiller Collection

The Navajo Weaving Tradition


Shadows on the Mesa - Artists of the Painted Desert and Beyond

Stories Woven In: the Navajo Way of Seeing

Timeless Excellence: Honoring Museum of Northern Arizona's Fine Arts Collection

Trees in a Circle: Navajo Weavings of Teec Nos Pos

Walk in Beauty: Hózhó and Navajo Basketry

Rocky Mountain and Southwest Painting and Sculpture: 19th-21st Century


See more Arizona artworks


Please click here to view museums and other non-profit sources of Resource Library articles and essays

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Musical accompanyment:

Wikipedia, search > Grand Canyon Suite recordings (various) "The Grand Canyon Suite is a suite for orchestra by Ferde Grofé, composed between 1929 and 1931. It was initially titled Five Pictures of the Grand Canyon," source: Wikipedia

See TFAO's letters requesting information on further resources.

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TFAO catalogues:

American Representational Art links to dozens of topics in American Representational Art

Audio Online a catalogue of online streaming audio recordings

Collections of Historic American Art notable private collections

Distinguished Artists a national registry of historic artists

Geographic Tour of American Representational Art History a catalogue of articles and essays that describe the evolution of American art from the inception of the United States to WWII.

Illustrated Audio Online streaming online narrated slide shows

Articles and Essays Online substantive texts published outside of Resource Library

Videos Online a comprehensive catalogue of online full motion videos streamed free to viewers

Videos an authoritative guide to videos in VHS and DVD format

Books general reference books published on paper

Interactive media media in CD-ROM format

Magazines paper-published magazines and journals

*Tag for expired US copyright of object image:

Links to sources of information outside of our web site are provided only as referrals for your further consideration. Please use due diligence in judging the quality of information contained in these and all other web sites. Information from linked sources may be inaccurate or out of date. TFAO neither recommends or endorses these referenced organizations. Although TFAO includes links to other web sites, it takes no responsibility for the content or information contained on those other sites, nor exerts any editorial or other control over them. For more information on evaluating web pages see TFAO's General Resources section in Online Resources for Collectors and Students of Art History.


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