Author Study and Index



(above: Jenny Eakin Delony (Rice), Arkansas Made, c. 1896-1900.  Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons)  

Patricia Eakins

"Michael Fauerbach and Heightened Reality" American Art Review November 1978 (Volume IV, Number 6)


Ellen Easton

Ranchos: The Oak Group Paints the Santa Barbara Countryside; essay by Ellen Easton (6/4/98)


Mary Anna Eaton

Frank Lloyd Wright: The Seat of Genius, Chairs: 1895-1955; essays by Penny Fowler and Mary Anna Eaton with Introduction by Timothy A. Eaton (7/9/07)


Timothy A. Eaton

William Aiken Walker: in Florida; essay by Timothy A. Eaton (2/14/05)

Frank Lloyd Wright: The Seat of Genius, Chairs: 1895-1955; essays by Penny Fowler and Mary Anna Eaton with Introduction by Timothy A. Eaton (7/9/07)

Joseph Stella: Flora; essay by Barbara Rose, with Preface by Timothy A. Eaton (7/10/07)

Expression and Meaning: The Marine Paintings of John Marin; essay by Sam Hunter, with Preface by Timothy A. Eaton (7/10/07)


Charles Ebert, Mary Roberts Ebert

Color, Light & Atmosphere: The Art of Charles and Mary Roberts Ebert ..., by Charles Ebert, Mary Roberts Ebert, Florence Griswold Museum - 1996 (status)


Teresa Hayes Ebie

"The Still-Life in New Mexico"American Art Review Summer 92

Taos Artists and Their Patrons: 1898 - 1950 (7/16/99)

Texas Rangeland: The Photographs of Burton Pritzker; essay by Teresa Hayes Ebie (1/24/04)


Leon Edel

"Henry James as an Art Critic" American Art Journal ( vol. 6, no. 2; 1974)


Francis W. Edmonds

"'The Leading Incidents & Dates of My Life': An Autobiographical Essay" American Art Journal ( vol. 13, no. 4; 1981)


Jim Edwards

The Journey of Death As Seen Through the Eyes of the Rancher' s Wife: New Paintings by Annabel Livermore (3/28/07)


Kathleen A. Edwards

Preface by Kathleen A. Edwards and essay titled "From a Distance: The New York Skyline and the New Woman" by Kathleen A. Edwards -- texts contained in "Subject Matters: The Alan and Ann January Collection of American Prints and Drawings" (5/3/06)


Lee M. Edwards

"Hubert Herkomer in America" American Art Journal ( vol. 21, no. 3; 1989)

"Noble Domesticity: The Paintings of Thomas Hovenden" American Art Journal ( vol. 19, no. 1; 1987)

"The Life and Career of Jerome Thompson" American Art Journal ( vol. 14, no. 4 ; 1982)

Hudson River Museum: Domestic Bliss, Family Life in American Painting (1986), Lee M. Edwards, "Domestic Bliss: Family Life in American Paintings", 15 pages [status]

Domestic Bliss: Family Life in American Painting: 1840-1910; essay by Lee M. Edwards (7/16/08)


Robert W. Edwards

Jennie V. Cannon: The Untold History of the Carmel and Berkeley Art Colonies, vol. one, East Bay Heritage Project, Oakland, 2012 by Robert W. Edwards (3/16/16)


Elise Effmann

Magazine Antiques Thomas Cole's View of Fort Putnam, Nov, 2004 by Elise Effmann [Link found expired as of 11/7/11 audit. Source may contain this content via a revised URL. We are saving this citation for your reference]


Susan Ehrlich

"Pacific Dreams, Currents of Surrealism & Fantasy" American Art Review August-September 95

California Watercolor Painters in Context, essay by Donelson Hoopes (8/30/01)


William Underwood Eiland

"American Narrative Paintings, circa 1800-1950" American Art Review January-February 2004 (Volume XVI, Number 1)

Eric Bransby: Draftsman and Muralist; essay by William Underwood Eiland (4/28/04)

The Spirit of the Modern: Drawings and Graphics by Maltby Sykes; Foreword to Maltby Sykes catalogue, by William Underwood Eiland, Director; Friendship's Garland: Remembering Maltby Sykes, "A Witness of His Time", essay by Taylor Littleton (12/20/04)


Julie Carlson Eldred

True Visions: The Paintings of C. Arnold Slade (1882-1961); essay by Julie Carlson Eldred (12/5/01)


Bruce B. Eldridge

"Joseph Henry Sharp, Symphony in Silence" American Art Review June-July 95

Joseph Henry Sharp: A Symphony in Silence; essay by by Bruce Eldredge, Nell Horton and Janis Ziller Becker (11/20/04)


Charles C. Eldredge

"Wet Paint: Herman Melville, Elihu Vedder, and Artists Undersea" American Art (Vol. 11, No. 2; Summer 1997)

"Ernest Blumenschein's The Peacemaker: Native American, Greeks, and Jurisprudence circa 1913" American Art (Vol. 15, No. 1; Spring 2001)

"Ernest Lawson's Spain" American Art (Vol. 17, No. 3; Fall 2003)

"Remembering Adelyn Dohme Breeskin (1896-1986): In Commemoration of the Centennial of Her Birth" American Art (Vol. 11, No. 1; Spring 1997)

"Marsden Hartley: Lithographer" American Art Journal ( vol. 5, no. 1; 1973)

American Impressionism Goes West, essay by Charles C. Eldredge, PhD (8/17/01)

Tales from the Easel: Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century American Narrative Paintings, circa 1800-1950 by Dr. Charles C. Eldredge (7/9/04)


Philip Eliasoph

"A Tribute to Paul Cadmus" American Art (Vol. 14, No. 3; Fall 2000)

A Tribute to Paul Cadmus, article by Philip Eliasoph (12/9/02)

Robert January, Caves - Curveballs - Canvas; essay by Philip Eliasoph (11/7/09)


Nnamdi Elleh

A Continent without Borders: Africa's Influence on African American Artists; essay by Nnamdi Elleh (2/3/05)


Claude L. Elliott

Morgan Monceaux: A Century of African Americans in Dance; essay by Claude L. Elliott (2/5/02)


Susan Sipple Elliott

"Edward Henry Potthast, An American Impressionist" American Art Review September-October 97

Looking Down Yosemite Valley, excerpted from the exhibition catalog titled "Looking Down Yosemite Valley: Paintings by Albert Bierstadt"; text by Susan Sipple Elliott (5/98)


Susan Sipple Elliott & Frederick Baekeland

"An American Collection, 1833-1935" American Art Review May-June 1999 (Volume XI, Number 3)


Amy Ellis

"Childe Hassam in Old Lyme" American Art Review July-August 2004 (Volume XVI, Number 4)

May Night: Willard Metcalf at Old Lyme, by Bruce W. Chambers, Willard Leroy Metcalf, Amy Ellis, Emily M. Weeks, Florence Griswold Museum - Art - 2005. Catalog of an exhibition held at the Florence Griswold Museum, May 1-Sept. 11, 2005 (status)


Helen Ellsberg

"Donal Hord: Interpreter of the Southwest" American Art Review December 1977 (Volume IV, Number 3)


Robert P. Emlen

"Wedding Silver for the Browns: A Rhode Island Family Patronizes a Boston Goldsmith" American Art Journal ( vol. 16, no. 2; 1984)


James L. Enyeart

"The Photographs of Arthur Wesley Dow" American Art Review May-June 2001 (Volume XIII, Number 3)


Stacey Epstein

"Alfred H. Maurer Reconsidered" American Art Review January-February 2004 (Volume XVI, Number 1)


Gary T. Erbe

"Henry Gasser: Beyond City Limits" American Art Review November-December 2003 (Volume XV, Number 6)

Trompe l'Oeil: The Art of Illusion; article by Louis A. Zona and Gary T. Erbe  (5/16/05)

"John R. Grabach: Century Man" American Art Review May-June 2006 (Volume XVIII, Number 3)


Kristen Erickson

"John Singer Sargent, Reassessing his Boston Murals" American Art Review April-May 95


Ann Erskine

Charles Rice (1/3/02)

Tom Ritchie (10/30/01)

Helen Sampson and Annina Luck (10/31/00)

Barbara Chiminello: American Artist (6/23/00)

Baltimore Exposure: An Art Show in Office Buildings! (6/19/00)

Joyce Scott: Kickin' It with the Old Masters at the Baltimore Museum of Art (5/4/00)

The Washington Village/Federal Hill Windowboard Project, Baltimore, Maryland (3/6/00)

David Douglas: Alexandria Artist (12/30/99)

The Fells Point Creative Alliance (12/29/99)

New Paintings by Mary Cate-Carroll at the Montage Gallery (12/8/99)

Community Artist-Mary Ferguson (11/99)


Erika Esau

Annie Lyle Harmon, 1855-1930; essay by Erika Esau (7/14/10)


Robert Eskridge & Elizabeth Seaton

"Art from the Chicago Public Schools" American Art Review May-June 2002 (Volume XIV, Number 3)


Lance Esplund

David Park's Works on Paper; essay by Lance Esplund (11/6/08)


Michael Ettema

Canyon Road and the Santa Fe Art Colony; article by Michael Ettema (10/31/05)

Carlos Vierra, Sheldon Parsons and Warren Rollins Set the Stage for the Santa Fe Art Colony; article by Michael Ettema (7/20/07)

Carl von Hassler (1887-1969); article by Michael Ettema (7/20/07)



Heidi Nasstrom Evans

Jane Byrd McCall Whitehead's (1861-1955) Idealized Visions About Simple Living and Arts and Crafts; essay by Heidi Nasstrom Evans (11/2/04)


Dorinda Evans

"Cecilia Beaux, Portraitist Exhibition Review" American Art Review January-February 1975 (Volume II, Number 1)

"Raphaelle Peale's Venus Rising from the Sea: Further Support for a Change in Interpretation" American Art Journal ( vol. 14, no. 3; 1982)

"Gilbert Stuart: Two Recent Discoveries" American Art Journal ( vol. 16, no. 3; 1984)

"Art and Deception: Ralph Blakelock and His Guardian" American Art Journal ( vol. 19, no. 1; 1987)


Martha M. Evans

"Claude Raguet Hirst (1855 - 1942)" American Art Review November-December 2004 (Volume XVI, Number 6)


Paul Evans

"The Spirit of California Design 1910: Pottery" American Art Review November-December 1974 (V olume I, Number 6)


Rob Evans

The Susquehanna: An Evolving Vision; essay by Rob Evans (11/19/07)


Robert Evans

"White Mountain Painters" American Art Review December 94 -January 95


Kirstin Evenden

Carl Rungius: Artist, Sportsman, with essay by Kirstin Evenden (11/16/00)


Patricia R. Everett

"John S. Jameson (1842-1864)" American Art Journal ( vol. 15, no. 2; 1983)


John C. Ewers

"Not Quite Redmen: The Plains Indian Illustrations of Felix O. C. Darley" American Art Journal ( vol. 3, no. 2; 1971)


Robert A. Ewing

Victor Higgins, 1884-1949, essay by Robert A. Ewing (9/5/03)


Charlotte Eyerman

Monterey Now: Warren Chang, with essays by Charlotte Eyerman and Karen Crews Hendon (1/20/15)


Carolyn Eyler

The Brush of Acceptance; essay by Carolyn Eyler (12/21/01)


(above: Jean Mannheim (1863-1945), Sunny Portrait, before 1945, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons*)


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