Montclair Art Museum
(above: building exterior, Montclair Art Museum. Photo courtesy of the Montclair Art Museum. © Montclair Art Museum)
Montclair, NJ
Resource Library articles and essays honoring the American experience through its art:
Come as You Are: Art of the 1990s (12/15/15)
Will Barnet: A Centennial Celebration (2/28/11)
Engaging with Nature: American and Native American Artists (A.D. 1200-2004) (6/17/10)
Reflecting Culture: The Evolution of American Comic Book Superheroes (6/15/07)
Philippe Halsman: Portraits of American Artists (5/16/06)
Jaune Quick-to-See Smith: Made in America (5/15//06)
Morgan Russell and the Old Masters (2/2/06)
Roy Lichtenstein: American Indian Encounters (6/14/05)
Gems of Generations; with article by Twig Johnson (3/3/05)
Edward Weston: A Legacy; with article by Gail Stavitsky (3/3/05)
Jan Matulka - The Global Modernist; with Catalogue Introduction by Patterson Sims (7/19/04)
The Unseen Cindy Sherman: Early Transformations (1975-1976) (2/4/04)
Evolving Identities: Figurative Work from the 19th Century to Now (2/4/04)
Jonathan Santlofer: The Man Ray Series; essay by Gail Stavitsky (6/3/03)
Tom Nussbaum: Home Sweet Home and Twenty Small Sculptures (5/29/03)
Jonathan Santlofer: The Man Ray Series (3/3/03)
Conversion to Modernism: The Early Work of Man Ray (11/8/02)
Morgan Russell - The Early Years, 1886-1906; essay segment by Marilyn S. Kushner (9/21/01)
Will Barnet and Native American Art, essay by Twig Johnson (8/9/01)
Patterson Sims Appointed Director of the Montclair Art Museum (7/5/01)
Primal Visions: Albert Bierstadt "Discovers" America, 1859-1893 (7/5/01)
Montclair Art Museum Gallery Will Be Dedicated to Works by George Inness (5/4/01)
American Indian Portraits: Elbridge Ayer Burbank in the West (1897-1910) (11/17/00)
Whitfield Lovell: Portrayals (11/17/00)
Lyrical Visions: Music and Dance in American Art (9/14/00)
Georgia O'Keeffe: The Artist's Landscape, Photographs by Todd Webb (9/11/00)
Untamed Spirits: Animal Imagery in Native American Art (1/25/00)
Paris 1900: The "American School" at the Universal Exposition (9/11/99)
The Grand Moving Panorama of Pilgrim's Progress (8/16/99)
Friendly Persuasions: Folk Art from the Collection of The Chase Manhattan Bank (1998)
Maurice Prendergast: The State of the Estate (1998)
Cameos of Art Museums' Collections of Historic American Art: The Montclair Art Museum (5/98)
The Montclair Art Museum, a notable, community-based institution with an international reputation, boasts a renowned collection of American and Native American art that uniquely highlights art making in the United States over the last three hundred years. The collection includes more than 12,000 objects: paintings, prints, original works on paper, photographs, and sculpture by American artists from the 18th century to the present, as well as traditional and contemporary Native American art and artifacts representing the cultural developments of peoples from all of the major American Indian regions. The Museum's education programs serve a wide public and bring artists, performers, and scholars to the Museum on a regular basis.
MAM's Yard School of Art is the leading regional art school, offering a multitude of comprehensive courses for children, teens, adults, seniors, and professional artists.
For hours and admission fees explore the MAM website.
Resource Library expresses appreciation to Raechel Lutz of the Montclair Art Museum for providing the above image of the Museum's building
Google Book Searches conducted in 2008 and 2013 by Traditional Fine Arts Organization (TFAO) located the following brochures, catalogues and gallery guides published on paper in connection with the Museum and with a topic of American representational art. The list may not include all relevant publications. Titles are listed by date of publication, with most recent listed first. Information on publications may be in error or incomplete. Titles may be followed by links to related essays published by Resource Library. See Definitions for more information on finding brochures, catalogues and gallery guides using TFAO's website.
The Unseen Cindy Sherman: Early Transformations, 1975-1976, By Gail Stavitsky. Published 2004 by Montclair Art Museum. Self in art. 35 pages. ISBN:0936489650
Jan Matulka - The Global Modernist. Published by Montclair Art Museum - 2004 - 73 pages. Jan Matulka - The Global Modernist; with Catalogue Introduction by Patterson Sims (7/19/04)
Connecting Generations: Contemporary American Indian Dolls, by Twig Johnson, Ellen Napiura Taubman. Published by Montclair Art Museum - 2003 - 30 pages. Connecting Generations: Contemporary American Indian Dolls" and "Growing Up: Childhood in American and Native American Art" (9/22/03)
Conversion to Modernism: The Early Work of Man Ray, by Francis M. Naumann. Published by Montclair Art Museum - 2003 - 261 pages. Conversion to Modernism: The Early Work of Man Ray ; essays by Francis M. Naumann and Gail Stavitsky (9/2/03)
Jonathan Santlofer, the Man Ray Series: February 16-May 18, 2003. Published by Montclair Art Museum - 2003 - 19 pages. Jonathan Santlofer: The Man Ray Series; essay by Gail Stavitsky (6/3/03)
Untamed Spirits, Animal Imagery in Native American Art. Ex: February 12 .. Published 2000 by Montclair Art Museum
Will Barnet, a Timeless World. Ex: May 14, 2000-August 20, 2000. Published 2000 by Montclair Art Museum
Will Barnet in Context, American Art from the Collection. Ex: May 14-Aug. 20 ... Published 2000 by Montclair Art Museum. ref: Will Barnet and Native American Art, essay by Twig Johnson (8/9/01)
The Grand Moving Panorama of Pilgrim's Progress. Published 1999 by Montclair Art Museum. Panorama of Bunyan's Pilgrim's progress (Painting). 33 pages. ISBN:093648957X. An exhibition of the work known during the mid-nineteenth century as the Bunyan Tableux: Montclair Art Museum, January 31-May 2, 1999; Portland Museum of Art, October 22, 1999-January 7, 2000; Edwin A. Ulrich Museum of Art, Wichita State University, January 21-March 7, 2000. Ref: The Panorama's Progress: The History of Kyle & Dallas's Moving Panorama of Pilgrim's Progress, essay by Tom Hardiman (7/24/01) Movies for Manifest Destiny: The Moving Panorama Phenomenon in America, essay by Kevin J. Avery (9/20/01)
Waxing Poetic: Encaustic Art in America, by Gail Stavitsky, Danielle Rice, Richard Frumess. Published 1999 by Montclair Art Museum. 84 pages. Waxing Poetic: Encaustic Art in America during the Twentieth Century, by Gail Stavitsky, Ph.D., Chief Curator (6/21/01)
Morgan Russell: The Origins of a Modern Masterpiece [exhibition], By Morgan Russell, Marilyn S Kushner. Published 1998 by Montclair Art Museum. Catalog of the exhibition held at the Montclair Art Museum, Jan. 27-Apr. 26, 1998; the Museum of American Art of the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia, Pa., Jun. 12-Aug. 16, 1998 and Heckscher Museum of Art, Huntington, NY, Sept. 5-Nov. 15, 1998. Ref: Morgan Russell - The Early Years, 1886-1906; essay segment by Marilyn S. Kushner (9/21/01)
Maurice Prendergast, the State of the Estate, Selections from the Williams ....Published 1998 by Montclair Art Museum
The Montclair Art Colony, Past and Present: February 4-April 13, 1997, the ..., by Diane Pietrucha Fischer, Gail Stavitsky. Published 1997 by The Museum. Artist colonies. 35 pages. ISBN:0936489553. Exhibition catalog.
A Spiritual Quest, the Art of George Inness. Ex: May 5, 1996-Jul, 27, 1997. Published 1997 by Montclair Art Museum
Precisionism in America, 1915-1941: Reordering Reality. Published 1994 by Abrams, in association with the Montclair Art Museum. Precisionism/ United States/ Exhibitions. 160 pages. ISBN:0810937344. Original from the University of Michigan. Digitized Nov 8, 2007
The Kiowa Ledger Book. Ex: Sep. 11, 1994-Feb. 5, 1995...Published 1994 by Montclair Art Museum
The Crayon and the American Landscape: The Montclair Art Museum, April 25 ..., By Marion Grzesiak. Published 1993 by Montclair Art Museum. Landscape painting, American. 24 pages. ISBN:0936489480
3 Hispanic-American Masters: Dario Suro, Roberto Estopiñan, Juan Sánchez, By Alejandro Anreus, Montclair Art Museum. Published 1993 by Montclair Art Museum. Art, Latin American. 48 pages. Google Books says: "The Montclair Art Museum, October 11, 1992-January 10, 1993; the Noyes Museum, January 24-May 30, 1993."
Hans Weingaertner: A Retrospective : Montclair Art Museum, January 31-April ..., By Hans Weingaertner, Elaine Evans Dee. Published 1993 by Montclair Art Museum. 28 pages
Gary T. Erbe, Trompe L'oeil Paintings and Dimensional Compositions: An ..., By Gary T Erbe, Thomas Folk. Published 1988 by Montclair Art Museum. 38 pages. ISBN:0936489332. Google Books says: "Childhood memories: the art of Gary T. Erbe by Thomas C. Folk"--P. 8-11.
New Jersey Water Color Society 1938-1988: 50th Anniversary Exhibition. Published 1988 by Montclair Art Museum. Watercolor painting, American. 64 pages. Catalog of an exhibition held at the Montclair Art Museum, Nov. 13, 1988-Jan. 8, 1989; the Noyes Museum, Jan. 22-Mar. 6, 1989, and the Monmouth Museum, Apr. 30-June 4, 1989.
The Song of the Loom: New Traditions in Navajo Weaving, By Frederick J. Dockstader. Published 1987 by Hudson Hills Press in association with the Montclair Art Museum. Indian textile fabrics. 130 pages. Original from the University of Michigan. Digitized Nov 5, 2007. Gives eighty-three examples of contemporary Navajo textile pieces.
Primal Ground: Miriam Beerman, Works from 1983-1987: December 13, 1987 ..., By Miriam Beerman. Published 1987 by Montclair Art Museum. 16 pages. ISBN:0936489324.
Summer Rains, Winter Winds: Native American Paintings from a Private New ...Published 1985 by Montclair Art Museum. Indians of North America. 16 pages. Text by Patricia J. Broder.
Anne Dushanko-Dobek, Silent Voices: Exhibition December 18-March 25, 1983, By Anne Dushanko-Dobek. Published 1983 by Montclair Art Museum. 20 pages. Catalogue of an exhibition held at the Montclair Art Museum from December 18-March, 1983.
Adolf Konrad, a Retrospective Exhibition: March 30-June 22, 1980, Montclair ..., By Adolf Konrad. Published 1980 by Montclair Art Museum. 32 pages,
The New York Etching Club: American Etchings from the Collection of William ..., By Maureen C. O'Brien, William Frost Mobley. Published 1979 by Montclair Art Museum. Etching, American. 12 pages. Catalog of an exhibition held at the Montclair Art Museum, New Jersey, Mar. 18-Apr. 29, 1979.
The American Painting Collection of the Montclair Art Museum, Montclair Art Museum - 1979 - 18 pages. The American Painting Collection of the Montclair Art Museum; Introduction by William H. Gerdts (7/25/08)
Vaclav Vytlacil: paintings & constructions from 1930, with Boris, Bourgeois ..., By Vaclav Vytlacil. Published 1975 by Montclair Art Museum. Art, American. 50 pages.
Loren MacIver. Published 1975 by Montclair Art Museum. 3 pages. Catalog of an exhibition held Apr. 20-June 22, 1975.
Henry Thomas Gulick, 1872-1964: Exhibition Montclair Art Museum, Montclair ..., By Henry Thomas Gulick. Published 1974 by Montclair Art Museum. Primitivism in art. 36 pages
Miriam Beerman, By Miriam Beerman. Published 1974 by Montclair Art Museum. 8 pages. Catalog of an exhibition held Sept. 8-Nov. 10, 1974.
Piscatorial Pictorials of America: A Private Collection : [exhibition] The ...Published 1973 by Montclair Art Museum. Fishing in art. 30 pages. Chiefly 19th century American lithographs.
American Still Life in New Jersey Collections. Ex: Oct. 25-Dec. 13, 1970.. Published 1970 by Montclair Art Museum
Grant Reynard Memorial Retrospective Exhibition: May 25-June 22, 1969, By Grant Reynard. Published 1969 by Montclair Art Museum. 20 pages.
Montclair Artists, 1868-1968. Published 1968 by Montclair Art Museum. 10 pages. Catalog of an exhibition held Mar. 24-Apr. 28, 1968.
George Inness of Montclair: An Exhibition of Paintings Chiefly from the ... Published 1964 by Montclair Art Museum. 32 pages. Google Books says: "A New Jersey tercentenary event."
John Marin: America's Modern Pioneer : a Retrospective Exhibition of the ... Published 1964 by Montclair Art Museum. 16 pages. Exhibition held: February 23 - March 29, 1964.
The American Painting Collection of the Montclair Art Museum, Published 1961. 68 pages. On cover: The Hirschl & Adler Galleries present the exhibition Montclair in Manhattan; a selection of American paintings on loan from the Montclair Art Museum, New Jersey, November 7-25, 1961. (possibly pubished by Hirschl & Adler Galleries)
Master Painters: An Exhibition of Late Nineteenth-century American Painting ...Published 1957 by Montclair Art Museum. Painting, Modern. 16 pages. Exhibition held at the Montclair Art Museum.
American Paintings by "The Ten". Published 1946 by Montclair Art Museum. Painting, American. 8 pages. Catalog of an exhibition held Jan. 1-Feb. 10, 1946.
Sculpture and Drawings by Malvina Hoffman. Ex: Mar. 10-27, 1938. Published 1938 by Montclair Art Museum
Book information courtesy of Google Books.
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Resource Library is a free online publication of nonprofit Traditional Fine Arts Organization (TFAO). Since 1997, Resource Library and its predecessor Resource Library Magazine have cumulatively published online 1,300+ articles and essays written by hundreds of identified authors, thousands of other texts not attributable to named authors, plus 24,000+ images, all providing educational and informational content related to American representational art. Texts and related images are provided almost exclusively by nonprofit art museum, gallery and art center sources.
All published materials provide educational and informational content to students, scholars, teachers and others. Most published materials relate to exhibitions. Materials may include whole exhibition gallery guides, brochures or catalogues or texts from them, perviously published magazine or journal articles, wall panels and object labels, audio tour scripts, play scripts, interviews, blogs, checklists and news releases, plus related images.
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